quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2009

You know that your job sucks when...

- You boss starts complaining before even saying good morning.
- At 7:29 am you are already pissed off.
- You dread the mornings.
- You daydream about working in a bureaucratic, boring 9-5 job.
- You´re told off for leaving a pen on top of a cooie box.
- After being told off for leaving a pen on top of a cookie box you have all these mental arguments with your boss with fun witty answers.
- Sadly, you never give any of these witty answers.
- Your boss uses every opportunity she has to make sure you remember your place.
- You cross down how many days you have left like a prisoner.
- You LIVE with your boss.

3 comentários:

  1. ai mulher... respira... conta até 10... dessa vez é por um bom motivo!

    So sorry for you girl.. love ya.. come soon! Miss yaaaaa

  3. Ha! Oh yeah... been there done that! Just focus on the goal babe! Focus on the goal! :)
